Words to Start and Stop Using on Your Resume

With the average hiring manager only takings seconds to read your resume, it’s important to use your words wisely. The following words are flashy, impactful and should be used on your resume to stand out from the competition! Use them in your cover letter, or within your resume’s job descriptions or personal summary.

Start Using These Words

Accelerate Deliver Itemize
Accomplish Design Manage
Acquire Develop Measure
Achieve Direct Operate
Advise Educate Organize
Advocate Enforce Recommend
Align Engineer Regulate
Build Establish Reorganize
Coach Generate Repair
Collaborate Initiate Respond
Configure Install Showcase
Customize Institute Yield


Stop Using These Words

On the other hand, you should avoid using these words:

  • Evangelist / Rock-Star / off-beat job descriptors: these formerly-inventive job titles are now seen in a negative light. Keep them off your resume.
  • Responsible for: while we’re not saying to avoid using this word altogether (it may have its place) we do believe you should limit its use since it’s often a result of describing your role. Instead, use action words above to explain your accomplishments rather than outlining your role.
  • Dabbled or any word that suggests limited familiarity with something: specifically, a software or skill. Either you possess the skill, or you don’t.
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